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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1292c156.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-04-04  |  275KB  |  619x830  |  8-bit (232 colors)
Labels: crt screen | laptop | monitor | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: $30,000 and over Five- Fiva-yearcosts Optians ungeslec Estimatod You pricaas Tatal retail dealor's % 501 [eity Cest to Mainte ownorship MAKEAND MODEL priet cOS retall original hy. insure Bancc Repairs' costs Cadillac Fleatwood4ir $33.980 $29.40 S31.165 86% 36% 16/26 S5,212 $402 $49.159 Cadillac Sovillo4dr 36.990 31996 34,238 85 39 16/25 Lowv 6.354 399 47.141 Cadillac SevilleSTS 4dr 41.380 3632 38.863 85 18/25 LoNT 6,344 389 49.189 Chovrolet Corvatte 2drhatch 34.595 29.579 31.354 42 17:26 Average 7.215 356 50.578 Chovrolst Cervette convert 1.195 35.222 37.688 46 1725 Average 7.215 356 57.225 Dodge Viperconveri. 60,000 43,625 48.678 N.A V.A Average NA N.A. N.A. Talinit J30 4dr 34,000 200 28,832 18/23 N.A N.A NA N.A. ini045 4dr 4540O 36.520 39.076 17,22 Low 6.013 401 44.443 Jender XJ52dr 49.7 ...